Bio-re-peel consultation





Troubled by skin problems?

Skin problems are an inevitable part of life. Some are simply the result of getting older, while others might be brought on by stress, sun damage, allergies, irrantants, immune system problems or lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking. Whatever the cause, it's easy to get caught up in fretting about how your skin appears.

But just because skin problems can be inevitable doesn't mean they need to be permanent. If you find yourself worrying about skin conditions such as acne, enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles, consider booking a free, no obligation consultation. 

We'll discuss the how and why behind your skin problems, how you've tackled it until now and assess what other options might be on the table for you. All this will be measured against the end result you're looking for.

Book an skin consultation, or call me on 07871 203398 if you have any questions about this or my other health and beauty treatments in Walsall.




black lady with eyes closed, needle near eyebrows


Initial anti-wrinkle consultation

Enquire Now


Bio Re Peel x 1 treatment alone
From £75 (45mins)

Bio Re peel x 4 treatments alone 
From £230 (45mins)

Bio Re Peel x 6 treatments alone
From £320 (45mins)

For Increased results add on a Dermaplaing onto each treatment for an extra £10 per session or a Microdermabrasion for an extra £20 per session


If you have any questions about this or Loulabelles Aesthetics' other beauty treatments in Walsall, you can call me at 07871 203398

Consultation Enquiry




Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions are typically required?

It is advised for maximum results that at least 3-6 sessions are required every 7-10 days from initial treatment. This is dependant on your skin's condition and yoour desired outcome. 

Does this treatment hurt?

No not at all, the solution can cause a 'tingly' sensation which is absolutely normal as it shows that the treatment is working and getting deep into the layers of skin. The solution is only on your skin for 5-10 minutes maximum.

What happens after the treatment?

You may have some redness following the treatment which will improve within a few hours. You may have some mild flakiness to your skin within 2-3 days of the treatment which is mild. This is absolutely normal and shows your dead skin is shedding and new skin will appear. You need to make sure you keep hydrated with plenty of fluids, apply a gentle moisturiser however avoid AHAs, BHAs, and retinols for 14 days following your appointment and prior to the appointment. It is utmost important to wear a high broad spectrum SPF cream to protect your skin from sun damage and maintain best results